How can I best care for my child's teeth?

Good dental hygiene habits should begin before your child's first tooth comes in. Wiping your baby's gums with a soft damp cloth after feedings helps to prevent the buildup of bacteria. When teeth appear, start using a soft children's toothbrush twice a day.

Once your child is preschool-age, start using fluoride toothpaste. Don't cover the brush with toothpaste; a pea-sized amount is just right (see picture above). Young children tend to swallow most of the toothpaste, and swallowing too much fluoride toothpaste can cause permanent stains on their teeth.

What about using fluoride tablets?

Fluoride helps make teeth strong by hardening the tooth enamel. Many cities are required to add fluoride to tap water. If you live in an area where the tap water doesn't contain fluoride, your doctor may prescribe daily fluoride tablets when your child is about 6 months old. Fluoride is an important part of your child's dental health, but don't give him or her more than the directions call for. If you miss a dose, don't give your child extra fluoride to make up. Just as with swallowed toothpaste, too much oral fluoride can cause stains on your child's teeth.

What are cavities?

Cavities are holes that are formed when bacteria (germs) in your mouth use the sugar in food to make acid. This acid eats away at the teeth. Cavities are common in children. Good tooth care can keep cavities from happening in your child

Is my child at risk for cavities?

Your child might be at risk for cavities if he or she eats a lot of sugary foods (such as raisins, cookies and candy) and drinks a lot of sweet liquids (such as fruit juice and punch, soda and sweetened drinks). Your child also might be at risk if he or she has any of the following risk factors:

Was born early (prematurely) or weighed very little at birth (low birth weight)
Has ongoing special health care needs
Has white spots or brown areas on any teeth
Does not go to the dentist very often

How can I help stop cavities?

Everyone in your family should take good care of their teeth. Family members with lots of cavities can pass the cavity-causing bacteria to babies and children.

Teeth should be brushed at least twice a day and adults should floss once a day. Everyone should see the dentist twice a year. Have your doctor or dentist show you the right way to brush your child's teeth.

Does diet affect my child's teeth?

Yes. Avoiding sweets, sticky foods and between-meal snacks is good advice. To avoid cavities, limit sweet snacks and drinks between meals. Have meals and snacks at regular times. Teeth-friendly snacks include fresh fruits and vegetables, and cheese and crackers.

Baby bottles can create additional problems with your child's dental health. When liquid from a bottle--like milk and juice--stays in contact with the teeth for a long time, the sugars cause tooth decay. This can create a condition called bottle mouth. Your baby's teeth can develop cavities and become pitted or discolored. Never put a baby to bed with a bottle. Don't let your child walk around during the day with a bottle, and teach your child to use a drinking cup around his or her first birthday.

Tips for a healthy mouth, teeth and gums:
Brush your teeth well twice a day (after breakfast and last thing before going to bed).
Use a small toothbrush with soft bristles. Hard and medium bristled toothbrushes can damage teeth and gums.
Use fluoride (say flu-or-ide) toothpaste. From 6 years of age you can use adult toothpaste, but make sure you spit it out when you have finished cleaning your teeth. Children under 6 need to use a special children's toothpaste.
Gently and thoroughly brush each side of every tooth and the gums. It should take about 3 minutes to do them all.
Dental floss cleans between your teeth but should only be used if you have been shown how to floss at the dentist.
Once a week you could check your toothbrushing skills by rinsing with a liquid called Disclo-gel. This is a pink liquid that stains the plaque pink and makes it easier to see. Disclo-gel can be bought from a chemist. If your teeth are not totally clean, there will be a pink stain on a tooth. Brush that stain off and remember how you did it, so that you can add that to how you clean your teeth.

Keeping your toothbrush safe from germs
After brushing, rinse your toothbrush under running water.
Store your toothbrush in a clean dry place.
Do not share a toothbrush as this can spread germs.
Replace your toothbrush often.
Wash your hands after going to the toilet and before using your toothbrush.

Tooth-friendly foods
Choose a wide variety of healthy foods every day.
Finish a meal with a drink of water - this washes your teeth and mouth.
Choose tap water as a drink. It is tooth-friendly and your body likes it too. Don't have lots of fizzy drinks especially ones that contain sugars and acids. These can cause tooth decay. Bottled water is not so good for teeth. It does not have fluoride in it.
Where possible choose medicines and cough lollies that are sugar free.
Milk and cheese are tooth-friendly foods. They contain minerals, which will help to repair tooth enamel.

If you want to know more about healthy food look up 'Your Food' on this site

A variety of foods is best for your teeth.